HTML Course


Page 13 :Finishing Up

  • Let's Sum It Up
  • This was a tutorial in how to build a basic Web Page document. You may want to learn how to add aGuest Book or Counter. You can find links to these and more on my Tools Page. There is more to learn to enhance your Web Pages even further, I hope this was a good start for you. After mastering these foundation HTML codes move onto Tables, Frames.
    They are a little more advanced but will take the look of your Web pages to new levels. Below is our document code enhanced with a few graphics and additional text. I utilized the lessons taught here to display how some of the codes work together.

    <TITLE>Welcome To Aruba</TITLE>
    <BODY BACKGROUND="stars.gif" BGCOLOR="#000000"
    TEXT="#66ccff" LINK="yellow" VLINK="orange" ALINK="red">
    <EMBED SRC="sample.mid" AUTOSTART="true"
    HIDDEN="true" VOLUME="100%">
    <A NAME="top">Welcome To Aruba</A>
    <A HREF="">
    <IMG SRC="aruba.jpg" WIDTH="300" BORDER=5 ALT="sunset">
    <FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="aqua">
    <b><u>Click On The Photo To Go To</u></b>
    <FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="#cc0066">
    <b>This Beautiful Sunset In Aruba.<BR>
    Aruba is a lovely island off the<BR>
    coast of South America.<BR>
    The weather is perfect<BR>
    in Aruba any day of the year.</b>
    <IMG SRC="waves.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="20" ALT="waves">
    <FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="white"><b>
    My Favorite Links
    <LI><A HREF="">Draac.Com</A>
    <LI><A HREF="">Lycos Search</A>
    <LI><A HREF="">Furby Fun</A>
    <IMG SRC="boatline.gif" WIDTH="350" HEIGHT="40" ALT="boatline">
    <FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="#ff3333"><b>
    I hope you had fun building this page.<BR>
    Use what you have learned to build a<BR>
    <FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="white">
    <i><b>Web Page</b></i>
    <FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="#ff3333">
    <b>that interests you.
    Add a counter and guest book.<BR>
    Make a banner like mine below.<BR>
    You can find links to them on my
    <A HREF="tools.html"><u>Tools Page</u></A>.
    <A HREF="">
    <IMG SRC="email2.gif" WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="34" ALT="email"></A>
    <A HREF="index.html">
    <IMG SRC="banner1.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="40" ALT="ad banner"></A>
    <A HREF="#top">
    <FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="aqua"><b><i>Take Me To The Top</i></b></FONT></A>

    Click Here To Display The Final Document
    Use Your Back Button To Return Here

That ends our lesson on how to create a basic web page. Good Luck & Enjoy HTML...:+)
To further your Html learning. Please visit Draac.Com's Html Extras.